First of all, I decided to write this blog to improve me writing skills. Why use a blog; because its more fun than writing for productivity (like writing a required journal for school). So my idea is to write about topics that I care about that many others don't.
This topic's subject: Music
I love music. My play list has hundreds songs covering many different genres from rock to jazz to classic to techno to rap and everything in between. What I can't stand is the chronic shit being pumped out by the music industry. Now don't get me wrong, there's plenty of good music being produced today, but the media tends to idolize the shittiest songs.
Turn on your radio and go to your area's pop music station. Around here z100.3 is a popular pop music station. Unfortunately, I was forced to listen to this station for over an hour in a car ride with my girlfriend (who loves this stuff. It's possible the only thing I dislike about her). So basically, two-thirds of the songs were crap. The decent ones were played to the point where they came on like every thirty minutes. By now, you probably sick of the radio station (if you listened to me before and actually turned it on).
Theres a lot of shitty music being produced out there besides the mainstream pop. Know when I say "shitty," I mean talentless or musically crap. I can respect a musically solid song even if I'm not a fan of it.
Before I go on, I'm going to tell you how I define shitty (musically talentless) music.
1. Songs with excessive screaming. Its just not needed and sounds like crap. Some screaming is good if used just right (ex. all scremo)
2. Any song where the vocalist is horrible. I don't give a damn about the lyrics being special. If the vocalist sucks, the music just sounds like crap (ex. Panic at the Disco)
3. Music that is nothing more than a simple beat with some vocalist singing (or rapping) about some trashy topic. (ex. most rap today)
4. Any band that uses a sex appeal then music talent. (ex. all boy bands). IF you need to attract people by dressing like a slut or attracting pre-pubescent girls, your music is usually utter shit 9 times out of ten.
I would go one, but the average person here knows how to separate good music from talentless garbage.
Luckily time has a way of expunging garbage music. If you haven't noticed, the music industry works by pumping out x amount of songs on timed intervals. The songs get popular for a short amount, are played excessively for a certain amount of time, and then forgotten and replaced by a new set of songs. Some of the better songs stay popular for a good amount while the rest just die out quickly. If you don't believe me, just look back a year or two. Do the songs popular back then get played that often now, if at all? Do you ever here any backstreet boys, NSync, Brittany Spears, or Spice Girls songs anymore?
Now lets go a little father back then that. Do you here many musically tasteless songs from the seventies or before that? A lot of the garbage music has been forgotten from that time.
Now lets go even farther back. Back a few hundred years. Do you here any classical pieces that are mediocre or just decent? The more time goes by, the more garbage music is forgotten.
Even though I can't stand most of the music being produced lately and how people like it just because MTV plays it over and over and over, I'm glad to know that in time, that this tasteless garbage will (hopefully) be forgotten, and that the good music of today will be remembered.
And now, a good pic idolizing a musically great band: Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd's a good band. And those are some hot chicks. By the way, what do you think is the definitive Pink Floyd album? Not necessarily their BEST album, just the album that best displays their musical ability and/or defines them the best. Okay, maybe that would be their best. I just don't know.